I graduated from the Technical University in Berlin with a diploma in architecture and I am a registered architect in the Berlin Chamber of Architects. As a freelance project manager, I’ve worked for a number of Berlin architectural offices on a wide range of projects, such as schools, hotels, office buildings, and adaptive re-use of historical buildings.

In recent years, more and more of my work has been in independent research, curating, and publishing. In articles, publications and discourse projects, exhibitions and symposia that I develop with various partners, I address social, political and historical contexts as prerequisites for the design of our built environment.

My particular interest lies in architectural and urban development in Southeast Asia. Here I work with architects, curators and artists on questions of the perception of architecture in different political contexts and on sustainability aspects in regard to the built heritage.

Currently, I am part of the team of artistic directors of the ongoing project Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism.



Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: An Indonesian-German Architectural History. Exhibition, symposia. Initiator and artistic director together with Sally Below, and Eduard Kögel. Berlin, Germany, 2024

Learning from Mangunwijaya. Workshop, exhibition, documentary, lecture programme and symposium. Initiator and artistic director together with Sally Below, and Eduard Kögel. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2024

Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: German-trained Indonesian Architects from the 1960s. Exhibition, publication, symposia. Initiator and artistic director together with Sally Below, and Eduard Kögel. Jakarta, Indonesia, 2022/2023.

Contested Modernities. Postcolonial Architecture in Southeast Asia. Exhibition, publication and lecture programme. Initiator, artistic director, and curator together with Sally Below, Christian Hiller and Eduard Kögel. Berlin, Germany, 2021

Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism. Initiator and artistic director together with Sally Below, Christian Hiller, and Eduard Kögel. Berlin, Jakarta, Phnom Penh, Singapore, Yangon, 2019

Biografien der Moderne. Lecture series, curated with Eduard Kögel for Stadtkultur International e. V.. Berlin, 2016-2017

Mayors, Players, Urban Visions. Film series, curated with Sally Below and Hans Hermann Albers for Stadtkultur International e. V.. Berlin, 2017

Cambodia’s forgotten future – New Khmer Architecture 1953-1970. Contribution to „Otherwhere“, the XXV UIA World Congress of Architecture in the context of the UIA „Durban Street Project Rivertown“ exhibition on cultural heritage and architecture for a sustainable future. Durban, South Africa, 2014

Gebaute Zukunft heute: Autobahnüberbauung Schlangenbader Straße und Carl-Legien-Siedlung. Discussion and film presentation at the Swiss Embassy Berlin, conceived in collaboration with Sally Below and Heike Oevermann. 2010

Strategien für junge Architekten. Panel at Architecture World Münster, conceived in collaboration with Sally Below, 2008

IBA 1957 – IBA 1987 – und wie weiter? Discussion series on Berlin’s International Building Exhibitions. Topics: „Preservation versus innovation?“, „Urban ecology yesterday and today“, „Living environment – place of encounter?“ and „How and where may we live?“ Conceived in collaboration with Sally Below and Heike Oevermann. Münzsalon, Berlin, 2007

Marketing – Selbstdarstellung oder Selbstverleugnung? Roundtable discussion at Münzsalon Berlin, conceived together with Sally Below. Berlin, 2007

Schnittstelle Architekt – Zukunft Planen? Panel at the SFT-Congress, conceived together with Sally Below. Münster, 2007

Schnittstelle Architekt – Wie weiter planen? Round table discussion at Münzsalon Berlin, conceived together with Sally Below. Berlin, 2006

Schnittstelle Architekt. Panel at the SFT-Congress, conceived together with Sally Below. Münster, 2006


Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia. ARCH+ 243, edited together with Sally Below, Christian Hiller, and Eduard Kögel, 2021

Architectural Guide Phnom Penh (Khmer edition). Edited together with Walter Koditek. Apsara Books: Hong Kong, 2021,

Architectural Guide Phnom Penh (English edition). Edited together with Walter Koditek. DOM Publishers: Berlin, 2020

Enorm Stadt: Urbania gestalten. Thematic issue of the German magazine Enorm, with Sally Below, 2017

Die Berliner Bauausstellungen – Wegweiser in die Zukunft? Edited together with Sally Below and Heike Oevermann. Regioverlag: Berlin, 2009

Wege in die Selbständigkeit. Existenzgründung und Positionierung für Architekten. Edited together with Sally Below. Junius: Hamburg, 2008


Will we ever meet again? The Olympic Stadium in Phnom Penh.
In: Design Anthology #31, December 2021

Lu Ban Hap and the White Building: A chronicle of hope and destruction. In: McGrath, Brian; Pen, Sereypagna (Eds.): Genealogy of Bassac, New York: Terreform, 2021, 222-233

La Seine in Phnom Penh. In: Southeast Asia Magazine 3/2021
https://suedostasien.net/la-seine-in-phnom-penh/, 28.10.2021

Encounters Architectural Modernities in Southeast Asia (with Below, Sally; Hiller, Christian; Kögel, Eduard), In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 08-11

„I wanted to marry Cambodia with the Occidental world“. Lu Ban Hap in conversation with Moritz Henning. In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 52-57

The White Building at the Front du Bassac. Symbol of Cambodia’s complex relationship to architectural modernism. In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 58-65

„Architecture is everything and nothing.“ Mam Sophana in conversation with Moritz Henning. In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 74-79

A New Tropical Architecture. Gregorius Yolodi and Maria Rosantina, partners of the architectural practice d-associates in Jakarta, in conversation with Moritz Henning and Christian Hiller. In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 104-111

A modern Burmese Style. A conversation with U Sun Oo in the context of Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism (Moritz Henning, Christopher Chan Nyein, Pwint, Win That Win Shwin). In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 134-141

The Bogyoke Aung San Mausoleum. In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 142-143

The Yangon Region Parliament. In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 148-149

The Tradition of Modernity. A conversation with U Shwe in the context of the project Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism (Moritz Henning, Christopher Chan Nyein, Pwint, Win That Win Shwin). In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 150-157

Southeast Asia as a Geocultural Problem. Ute Meta Bauer, founding director of the Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA) in Singapore, in conversation with Moritz Henning, Christian Hiller and Eduard Kögel. In: ARCH+ 243, 2021, thematic issue „Contested Modernities – Postcolonial Architecture and Identity Construction in Southeast Asia“, 150-157

Phnom Penh Modernism. A photo essay
www.marlowes.de/phnom-penh-modernism/, 22 June 2020

Encounters with Southeast Asian Modernism. Co-authored with Sally Below, Christian Hiller and Eduard Kögel. docomomo journal 63, Lisboa, 2020, 85-88

Identitäts(re)konstruktionen. Vann Molyvann und die Khmer Moderne der 1960er Jahre. In: Bretthauer, B; Lenz, S und Werders, J; (Eds.), Kambodscha. Ein politisches Lesebuch. Regiospectra: Berlin, 2017

Die Olympische Stadt. Was geschieht, wenn die Fackel erlischt? Wolfgang Maennig, economist and 1988 Olympic champion in the rowing eight, in conversation with Moritz Henning. In: Enorm Stadt 01/2017, 19-29

Reporting from the front. Zu Besuch auf der 15. Architekturbiennale in Venedig. In: modulor 06/2016, 68-73

Ich hätte so viel mehr tun können für mein Land. Über Leben und Werk des kambodschanischen Architekten Lu Ban Hap. In: modulor, 06/2016, 86-92

Lu Ban Hap – ein kambodschanischer Architekt. In: Bauwelt 38/2015, 14-23

Verdichtungen. Das White Building in Phnom Penh. In: Bauwelt 38/2015, 24-29

A career of grand designs cut short. The Cambodian architect Lu Ban Hap. Phnom Penh Post, 11 July 2015

Das Märkische Viertel – eine Großwohnsiedlung in Berlin. In: modulor 6/2015, thematic issue „Berlin“, 32-36

Werner Düttmann – ein Berliner Architekt. In: modulor 6/2015, thematic issue „Berlin“, 56-62

Mein Block – damals noch ohne WDVS. Über das Märkische Viertel in Berlin. Bauwelt 33, 2014

Vann Molyvann – Der Architekt des Königs. In: modulor 2/2014, thematic issue „Cambodia“, 31-36

Das „Weiße Haus“ von Phnom Penh. In: modulor 2/2014, thematic issue „Cambodia“, 44-49

China, China, China. Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Indonesien. Ein Rundgang zu den interessantesten der asiatischen Beiträge der Architekturbiennale Venedig 2014. In: modulor 5/2014, thematic issue „Venice Architecture Biennale“, 46-52

Der dritte Raum entsteht im Kopf. Ein Besuch im Bungalow Germania auf der 14. Architekturbiennale Venedig. In: modulor 5/2014, thematic issue „Venice Architecture Biennale“, 40-45

Symbol auf Abruf. Über das „Olympic Stadium“ in Phnom Penh. In: Bauwelt 9/2014

Der Kölner Masterplan – Erfolg oder Bankrotterklärung für die Stadt? German-Chinese Culture Network, July 2010.

Das Hamburger Gängeviertel – eine Erfolgsgeschichte? German-Chinese Culture Network, April 2010

Kambodschas vergessene Moderne. In: taz Berlin, 17 January 2009, www.taz.de/Kleinode-entdecken/!28818/

Kambodschas vergessene Zukunft. Vann Molyvann und die Khmer-Moderne der sechziger Jahre. In: Bauwelt 30/2009, 12-27

São Paulo’s 8th Architecture Biennial „Ecos Urbanos“ In: Baunetzwoche 149, 2009

Partizipation für die Stadt von morgen. With Sally Below and Daniela Riedel. In: Die Berliner Bauausstellungen – Wegweiser in die Zukunft? Sally Below, Moritz Henning, Heike Oevermann (eds.). Regioverlag: Berlin, 2009

Netzwerke brauchen Leben. Zur Eröffnung des Aedes Network Campus Berlin. Conference report, DBZ, 06/2009

Architekturexport. Deutsche Planer auf der Architekurbiennale Sao Paulo. In: Hesse, Anna; Schmal, Peter Cachola: Ready for take-off. Hatje Cantz: Ostfildern, 2008, 196-201.

Kamboçya’nın Yok Olan Modern Mimarlığı. In: architectera.com, 25.06.2008.

Ein weißer Fleck mittendrin. Kambodschas vergessene Moderne – eine Architekturreise. In: DBZ 4/ 2008, 16

Kambodschas vergessene Zukunft. In: Baunetzwoche 78, 2008. www.baunetz.de/baunetzwoche/baunetzwoche_ausgabe_208077.html

50 – 60 – 70: Abriss oder Neustart? In: Bundesbaublatt 3/2007

International wahrnehmen. Die 7. Architekturbiennale in Sao Paulo. In: DBZ 12/2007

Architekturexport: Pünktlich, gründlich, zuverlässig. Der deutsche Beitrag auf der 7. Architekturbiennale Sao Paulo. In: Immobilienzeitung, 13 December 2007

Conference review: Celebration of the Cities. Ein Bericht vom XXII. UIA-Weltkongress in Istanbul. Conference report, baunetzplus 9, 2005, https://www.baunetz.de/dl/baunetz_plus/baunetz_plus_9.pdf

Mehr schwarz als grün. Expo Real 2008 in retrospect. Conference report, DBZ 11/2008

Branding im Garten Eden? Die Architekturgespräche Luzern 2008. Conference Report, DBZ, 07/2008

Drei Jahre nach Berlin: Der Weltkongress der Architektur in Istanbul. Conference report, DBZ, 2005

Celebration of the Cities. Ein Bericht vom XXII. UIA-Weltkongress in Istanbul. baunetzplus 9, 2005, https://www.baunetz.de/dl/baunetz_plus/baunetz_plus_9.pdf

Realised architectural projects

CLB Berlin: Conversion of a commercial space into a gallery, Berlin
Interior design, 2016

Redevelopment of residential and commercial building Tempelhofer Ufer, Berlin
Project management as freelancer at Kleyer Koblitz Letzel Freivogel Architects, 2013

New construction of the technical centre of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin
Project management as freelancer at Kleyer Koblitz Letzel Freivogel Architects, 2009-2013

sbca: Conversion of a former factory floor into offices
Interiour design, 2008

Phorms Berlin-Mitte: Conversion of a commercial complex (formerly AEG) in Berlin-Mitte into a public school with kindergarten, construction phases 1 to 4
Project management as freelancer at Kleyer Koblitz Letzel Freivogel Architects, 2006-2013

Phorms Frankfurt: Conversion of office floors into classrooms
Project management as freelancer at Kleyer Koblitz Letzel Freivogel Architects, 2007

Schneewelten Wünsdorf: Planning of an indoor ski hall
Co-project management at Novotny Mähner Assoziierte, 2005

Operncarree Berlin: Five-star hotel, offices and flats, conversion and addition to listed buildings
Co-project management at Novotny Mähner Assoziierte, 2003-2005

New construction of the consulate of the People’s Republic of China, Berlin
Co-project management at Novotny Mähner Assoziierte, 2002-2003

Conversion of the former FDGB headquarters into the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, Berlin
Co-project management at Novotny Mähner Assoziierte, 2001-2002

Israeli Embassy, Berlin
Co-project management as freelancer at Novotny Mähner Assoziierte, 2000-2001

Roof extension Bismarckstraße in listed building, Berlin
Freelance assignment in the office of Klaudia Keilholz, 2001

Villa, Berlin
Freelance assignment in the office of Klaudia Keilholz, 2000

Condor Berlin: Conversion of office and hangar buildings at Schönefeld airport
Freelance assignment in the office of Klaudia Keilholz, 1999

Conversion of an existing building at Berlin-Schönefeld Airport for Lufthansa Bombardier Aviation Services
Freelance assignment in the office of Klaudia Keilholz, 1998

Conversion of the former Reichsluftfahrtministerium into the Federal Ministry of Finance, outdoor facilities, Berlin
Freelance assignment in the office of Regina Poly, Landscape architects, 1998

International landscape planning competition Spreebogen, Berlin
Freelance assignment in the office of Regina Poly, Landscape architects, 1997

Speaking engagments

Mind the gap! Postcolonial architecture in Yangon. BTU Cottbus, DAAD Summerschool 2021, Studio Bagan, 2021

Phnom Penh after independence. Technical University Munich, Chair for Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design, 2021

Lu Ban Hap. In the context of the exhibition Folding Concrete, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2019

Biographies of Modernity: Lu Ban Hap in Cambodia. Lecture in the context of the series Biographies of Modernity. CLB Berlin, 2017

Khmer architecture between 1953 and 1970 – Cambodia’s forgotten future. ski stadtkultur international ev, Berlin, 2009

Schnittstelle Architekt: Zur Positionierung und Vermittlung von Architektenleistungen. sft Congress, Münster, 2006


AAKP Akademie für Architektur Kommunikation Perspektiven (from 2007 on: STUDIO A). Founded and run by Sally Below and Moritz Henning, Berlin, 2005-2010. AAKP / STUDIOA dealt with the present and future of architecture and in urban space, connecting producers, users, addressees and clients. We initiated around 50 discussions, symposia, workshops and seminars as well as articles and publications with different partners.

Theory and Practice of Spatial Design. Teaching position at the University of Hannover, Department of Education Science, 2004